New Beginnings
Photo by Bruce Hong on Unsplash
Life is all about new beginnings and new things people and places, I have just been watching a sunset that no one has ever seen before due to the different cloud formation around it. Here at Mission on the Move we are embracing new beginnings not only for ourselves but also for all of our partners and friends and all of those we get to meet along the way and our certainly sensing a new move of God as we travel around.
Recently Alison was asked to go record her faith story as part of the Facing Canon series with Canon JJohn. After over twenty three years of doing missions she has lots of stories to share.This will be broadcast around the world to a far wider audience than she has spoken to before we both felt it was a great opportunity. When God opens a new door it is the signs of new beginnings and movement. We will keep you posted as to when the episode is available in the meantime we can pray that God keep using her life as she lays it down for others to know Jesus.
It’s spring time now and new leaves are appearing on the trees and flowers in the garden it’s also a time to plant seeds for a new harvest. We love God, the creator of new beginnings in nature and in spirit and the most powerful picture of this is the resurrection of Jesus and we have been thinking it’s the same power that raised him from the dead that also lives in those who believe in him the greatest new beginning of all time.
As we expect the seeds that we plant to come to life again and produce crops or flowers Jesus said of himself unless a grain of wheat is buried and dies it remains alone he was speaking of his death burial and resurrection and now all who call on the name of Jesus shall receive new life now and forever. With Jesus we are expecting much harvest from his life freely given.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit and the word of God we can say this is a new day and season, his mercies are new every day and all things have become new Isaiah 43:19 “See I am doing a new thing now it springs up I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Don’t wait for tomorrow but plant Gods word today which says he has given us a new spirit, and a new heart. We are a new creation in Jesus so we have new strength with a new song to sing, and a new language to speak and all these are very creative and empowering as it says in Acts1:8 “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you to be witnesses to Jesus to all the world.” So, let’s get empowering ourselves by what we say and live out each and see new beginnings begin to grow.
As we expect the seeds that we plant to come to life again and produce much fruit Jesus said of himself unless a grain of wheat is buried and dies it remains alone he was speaking of his death burial and resurrection and now all who call on the name of Jesus shall receive new life now and forever. With Jesus we are expecting much harvest from his life freely given.
In the prayer hub I recently attended we felt the phrase expectation was highlighted and so we believe that great things are coming our way as believe what the Holy Spirit is saying. As we give ourselves to Jesus and give that which he puts in our hearts, hands and voice this will help people we meet as we go about our daily lives. God’s kingdom will be seen springing up on earth as in heaven.
After Jesus resurrection and just before his return to heaven he said this to his followers ‘these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues and they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly it will by no means hurt them, they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” Jesus was telling us that the same spirit that empowered him for his ministry while on earth is now on all who believe.
I am off now to plant some seeds in the garden and I am expecting them to die then grow and produce crops. So as we choose to keep planting our lives for Jesus we can expect the crops of heaven on earth in new and wonderful ways. Embrace new beginnings and look to see the growth.
Written by Richard Fenning