Stopping for the one - Compassionate ministry.
Random acts of kindness make a huge difference to peoples lives. Life can throw any of us into horrible situations where we all need a touch of kindness extended to us.
Over the years we have stopped for the ones we meet who are disadvantaged in some small way to bring a moment of joy to their world. This can include buying food, blankets, clothes for children or other things needed at the time.
These small moments of connection make a huge impact and can be transformational in changing a worldview that has been formed through disadvantage. Stopping for the one brings hope of a good future into a real possibility.
This is facilitated through our partner Churches on the ground across the nations.
“The act of kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted.”

I was able to visit this lady and her family whilst in Rwanda through Africa New Life Ministries. She had just found out she was unwell with cancer and the family were reeling from this news and she was waiting to see if she could get some treatment.
We were able to leave some food supplies and pray with the family. We walked up the long ravine together back to the car with very few words but some smiles and a sense of togetherness.
Her story moved my heart in so many ways. When I came home I didn’t forget her and kept praying for them. On my next trip I asked how she and the family were. Sadly she had passed away. I felt so sad that I felt to revisit the family and once again to pray with them.
We were again able to leave some food to help take the pressure off the challenges they faced. They were greatly moved that we had not forgotten them.
Stopping for the one is very powerful it can provide a sense of you are not alone and encouraging people who sometimes find themselves in very difficult situations.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”
— Jesus (John 13:34-35)