Equipping a Few -Impacting Many
Bugesera Missional Leadership Hub
Last week we were able to spend a couple of hours facilitating a missional leadership hub in Bugesera district of Rwanda. This is a more rural location but under development due to the expansion of a new airport being built.
The pastors who come are so hungry to learn about God and how to develop what they do and do that better. They chat so easily amongst each other it is a pleasure to be with them. It is so good to be able to enable discussion and watch them begin to share vision together for their area; taking away any competition between them.
Both Richard and I shared a session each followed by lots of questions and thrashing out what we had shared. I personally spoke on the importance of character in our ministries being a vital ingredient in each of our lives and how this will build us for the long game. Richard spoke on the power of prayer when we can’t do nut anything else.
A quote from one of the Pastors “ This group and the teachings leaves our hearts warm, you have spoken to our hearts - thank you.”
I am always struck by the power of spending time with people and how this can achieve so much as it connects with the heart more than the head. It is always the heart that will lead and move people into action. We can all be more mindful that it is the kindness of God that draws us to Himself so of course it is with the kindness of God that we too take the time to be with people and encourage to keep going, equipping them as we pioneer forward ourselves. We can’t take people where we have not been ourselves.
Big thank you to those of you who support this part of ministry with prayer and finance. Each session we buy them internet time and breakfast, tea and Cinnamon rolls. It is not much, but is making a very big difference to these Pastors lives which will in turn impact their families and Churches. Thank you again without your prayers and support we would struggle to do this.