Prison Ministry
Photo by Hasan Almasi
This week I have been out speaking at HMP Hollesley Bay in Suffolk. I shared a new talk written especially for this weeks outreach called “Four storms passing by.” Last year we passed through these four storms and I wanted to speak about the reality of how life circumstances will come and hit us hard and the lessons I have personally learned.
This last season is one of the hardest times I have been through so far in life. But I am still standing and smiling. I am sure that there will be a few more to come but God always provides an open door in these times and those storms do pass; some just stay longer than others.
Jesus spoke about how whilst we are alive on the earth we will have trouble, but not to fear as He has overcome those things on earth. We can take great comfort knowing that with Jesus we can make it through to the other side of the storm.
Those who came to the Chapel this week were greatly encouraged and inspired to keep pressing on staying close to Jesus as they go. Some came for prayer afterwards and others wanted to talk more and ask questions. It is always a real privilege to go and be with them.
I have a few more prisons to visit this year. When I go I hope to take copies my new book that will be out and available soon “ Lift Up Your Head.” Please pray over this ministry with us that God will open more doors to go and share and for those who are troubled to be found by God who can turn lives around.
Thank you to those who help us go and speak about faith in prisons by praying when we go and through giving. If you would like to be part of this outreach through supporting then please click on to our giving page - thank you.