Everyday Encounters
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash
We often have people asking us about how we do our outreach. I always say it’s not rocket science - it’s about everyday natural connections that are all around us waiting to be made. We only need to be open and available to the opportunities daily given us.
The main thing is we are out and available to where God leads. Last week I was in London and whilst waiting for my train home I was just hanging around minding my own business when a young lady approached me. Her opening line was “I know I’m not your problem and you probably you don’t care but” I smiled and replied “well you’re wrong, I do care. What’s wrong ?” She went on to tell me she had been released from custody recently and had nothing to her name. There was a whole other back story too, that went with it.
As I listened intently I was asking God what do you want me to do ? What came out of my mouth was I can’t give you cash but I can pray with you. I asked her of she had a faith, turns out she resonated with the Christian faith. As we spoke she looked quite shocked by where I had taken our conversation. I think she felt I would pray for her in my own prayer time, but of course I wanted to pray then and there.
As I prayed with her in the middle of Liverpool Street Station it felt a very sacred moment, she started to weep as I asked God to help her in the hour of her need and for Him to meet all her needs. That hard shell I first encountered coming down and a smile gently came across her face - a little glimpse of the real her behind the hard survival mask that I first encountered. I spoke afterwards about the love and forgiveness of God and how can can carve out a future despite when it all looks and feels hopeless. As she went on her way I felt like it was a moment in time, set up by God. We continue to pray for her each day.
This is the work of Jesus is , outreach is everyday encounters as we go about our everyday lives. It’s a lifestyle we can live as long as we are ready and available then God will send people our way. There is no shortage it only remains for us to say yes to God when he calls us each and every day.