God Appointments - Street Life
Photo by Justin Manalo - unsplash
Over this last month our street outreach has been going really well. You never know who you’re going meet or bump into and what God is up to in that moment.
Not long ago we met a lady who we noticed as we were walking by. I just felt something didn’t look right. It may have been the way she was stood there with summer clothes and it was a freezing cold night in early February and she was stood there shivering. She was asking for people for a pound so she could buy a hot cup of tea, she looked down trodden and low in herself so as we watched I felt we should go and say hello and see what we could do.
As we chatted she had not lost her sense of humour which was wonderful. I know this because she asked us if we were Christians ‘yes’ we said, ‘how do you know that?’ “I can spot you a mile away she replied” - hilarious and brilliant. We listened to her predicament as she explained she was sleeping outside having lost her accommodation and had no other clothes with her. We prayed together with her which was very moving and then we did something practical. Faith and deeds go together according to the book of James in the Bible.
I felt we couldn’t leave this lady shivering in the cold. She was already planning to sleep outside. So, we took her into the local YMCA charity shop and they kitted her out jeans, jumper, sleeping bag and blanket which is fantastic. The part that really was heart breaking was when I saw she had no socks on. She had been wandering around with boots and no socks - her feet were badly damaged from the cold. She was so happy to get warmer clothes and socks. I won’t forget that moment in the shop when the assistants were helping to dress her, so Jesus like and full of love.
We then tried to get out for where she was sleeping so I could contact the rough team and they could come and have a look for later on that night. If they know you are out and sleeping rough they come and visit you and can help find you a place to stay.
We tried to get her a bed for the night somewhere but were unsuccessful. We have looked for her since but not found her again. Until we do we can only pray for her safety and Gods provision in her life.
We prayed with her and helped practically where we could. You just never know who you’re going to meet at the right time and place thats the great thing about being available and having a presence on the streets.
I felt we had a God appointment that day and we faithfully listened to the Holy Spirit as He led us.
Thank you to those of you who support this part of the ministry. Keep praying for more God appointments.