Hope In The Hills

This month we have been able to help Pastor D go up to the mountainous areas in Nepal to do a six day mission amongst the church there where we gave Bibles, books and gifts to the children last year.

Whilst on his trip Pastor D was doing outreach he met a man who has very serious heart condition .This man was hungry and broken as a person from his afflicition of poverty being unable to work or provide for himself due to his heart condition and lack of medication. As Mission On The Move we prayed and felt we were able to send something to enable this poor man to be able to eat. We brought him rice along with other foods that he can eat. This is not a long-term solution but we are praying that the local church is able to come alongside him disciple him and enable him to get back up on his feet in someway.

The joy of having pastor D keep visiting these places is that we know as he’s building a ongoing relationship with the churches for discipleship and equipping them on the how to do the ministry, how to help the poor and disciple people, then go out share the message of Jesus. This time he took a team to the remote area which has great encouraged the local church. 

Thank you to those of you who gave to make this possible.


Creativity Makes the Difference


Moments of Joy