Lifting the Lid
Last month the freedom project in Kigali had visit from a team of people from the UK. The team was led by my friend Raj Hare. Raj is an evangelist and equipper in evangelism, she leads teams on mission in the UK and travels worldwide sharing the gospel. This time she happened to be going to Kigali so I asked her if she could spend a day with the women at the Freedom Project.
The result has been incredible. It’s really lifted the heaviness and sadness of the Church and on the project this has probably been there since the passing of Pastor Enock four years ago. We haven’t been able to travel due to our own challenges around health - however that is now passing. Raj and her team were able to spend the with the project sharing food, teaching and having a presence. They were able to readjust their plans and go back to preach on the Sunday morning at the Church, again lifting the lid off the grief and sorrow. They witnessed people getting set free of things that had been holding them back some emotional and some physical. They also took some supplies for the project and for that we are very thankful.
We have a plan at the end of November to graduate the ten women from this years program of discipleship and skill training. We are planning to gift each one of them with a machine to start a small business.
You can watch one woman’s story from last year’s class and how the gift of a machine has transformed her world.
Thank you for your kindness of prayer and generous giving over the year to make this all happen.