Ready Brek and Church: Street Life
Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash
As the young man stood in front of me chatting away about random things in life that had happened to him over the years my mind was wandering to think - how can I possibly bring something spiritual into the conversation he was having with his friend ? Then from no where he opened it up himself. He went to tell us about how he loved Church and what he thought about God. I was blown away and thought thank you God this makes it a bit easier.
Turns out he had spent some time in a residential recovery program where practising a faith was encouraged. Since leaving the program he had done well for a while then slowly slipped back with the battle of the mind being a strong factor in his undoing. We spoke for a long time about God, faith, prayer and Church before I finally prayed for him and his friend. One thing that struck me in our conversation was how positively he spoke about Church, stating “what I love about being in Church is the ready break feeling. it gives me.” He went on the expand it explaining it sets him up and leaves him with a warm glow inside lifting his mood and perspective. Lovely to sit and listen to his perspective. A fair few of the people we meet in a regular basis have said similar things but expressed it slightly differently.
I have since met him again a few times and we are continually encouraging him in his faith and to keep getting back to God best as he knows right now. He would love to return to church but as we all know that can take some courage to take that first step.
Keep praying for our outreach ( Street Life) as we faithfully go and meet people. Chatting with those where we feel led, being prayerful and enjoying connecting with people where they are at.
My prayer is that from the Lords prayer as we go - Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.