When God Steps In
Photo by Dalton Touchberry on Unsplash
Power encounters happen with Jesus all around us when we are available. We know this and see this on Street Life when we are out meeting people on outreach. One day we were chatting with a few people when a man asked us for prayer and then two others joined us and before we knew it were in the middle of the street in a group praying for the presence of God to come. It was a humble moment of calmness out of the madness of addiction for some. There were tears and honesty rather than fighting and hostility. It felt very sacred and like God was shining His light right into their lives. I’m so pleased we have this pop up outreach.
Prior to that sacred moment we had spent time having a long positive conversation with someone who been hurt very badly by people and it had messed with his understanding of God. I spoke about how our hope can not be in people. Then there is the question that often we ourselves hurt people unknowingly. Good job God sees all thing and knows all things and is indeed in the business of restoration. He is always looking to heal our hurts and when we share our pain with Him as the book of James reveals He will draw close to us. The man accepted an offer of a prayer and we parted by saying “go explore, go and seek God until you find him.” Something we can all do when we need to.
We are having incredible times when we are out, being available and seeing what God does is always an encouragement to myself. Everybody needs to talk - loneliness is a huge problem and when we are alone we can all get stuck in our minds and not able to move on. We often talk about the everyday days things and that opens the door to the deeper chats and prayer. We all have things going on, even myself inside that we need to speak about somewhere and to be able to get the insight from Gods perspective is helpful. Therefore, I know it’s of great benefit for others. A word of wisdom in a moment of time.
As we walk we are praying and as we move about meeting people, sharing the love of God best way we know how we ourselves will also be transformed through this practice. Philemon verse 6 says as we share our faith we will know him more and gain understanding of his ways .
Thank you to those of you who make this pop up outreach possible.